Top 5 Places to Visit in Rome


Rome offers an abundance of archaeological treasures and art collections that you should see without wasting either your time or energy. By planning your sightseeing carefully, it will allow you to see all the critical spots without wastefulness of either power or time. Find the best things to do in Rome.

Consider taking a guided tour of Domus Romane, to be transported back in time to ancient Roman patrician homes. At nightfall, Rome’s impressive monuments take on an even brighter glow.

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is an iconic architectural monument that represents the power, brilliance, and brutality of Roman civilization. It also serves as a poignant reminder of gladiator battles’ violent spectacle and deaths associated with gladiatori games held therein.

The building was constructed on the site of Nero’s Golden House (Domus Aurea), which featured a lake. As part of practical and political considerations, its draining was necessary; moreover, this decision undermined Nero’s policies and reign, both of which were highly unpopular with his audience.

It was constructed using travertine limestone, tuff and brick-faced concrete; capable of seating anywhere between 50,000 to 80,000 spectators at once and standing as testament to Roman engineering genius.

Ancient Rome’s first-tier seats was reserved for people of high social standing, such as senators and high-ranking officials; these seats were close to where gladiator combats took place in the arena. Next came people of lower social status, followed by poorer citizens in tier three; all walls featured Doric columns decorated by carvings which have since disintegrated over time, providing us with a fascinating glimpse of Roman life from antiquity; this detail still offers visitors to today one of the world’s premier tourist attractions today – making sure people from ancient Rome aren’t left behind!

The Forum

The Forum was once at the heart of Roman life and remains an exciting destination today. Wander through its ancient ruins to get a sense of what life was like living there back then; visit notable sights like the Arch of Titus, Ara Pacis Augusta (an altar dedicated to peace), Carcere Mamertino (where legend has it that Peter and Paul were imprisoned), or Arch of Titus itself!

The Pantheon, built between 20 BCE and 100 AD as an ancient temple to Apollo and later turned into a church by Constantine the Great, is one of the must-see sites near the Forum. Dating back 2,500 years, its structure remains impressive despite having undergone renovation. You can pay your respects here to Italian kings Umberto I and Victor Emmanuel II as well as legendary artist Raphael who all rest within its walls.

Piazza Navona, located near Rome’s famed Coliseum, is a trendy public square and one of the city’s oldest. Visitors can enjoy coffee or gelato before sitting back on its steps and people-watching or enjoying live performances by street artists and performers.

The Palatine Hill

The Palatine Hill (not to be confused with its neighboring Roman Forum) is one of Rome’s seven hills and according to legend is where Romulus and Remus founded Rome. An archeological site featuring a stadium, hut village, palaces and stunning views of Circus Maximus and Roman Forum can be found there.

Attractions on Domitian Hill include the Palace of Domitian, an immense complex of buildings that served as the heart of government. Designed with large open areas and a central fountain, its facade was decorated with Cipollino marble – known for its distinctive “onion-colored hue- and filled with statues. Additionally, several major Roman cults such as Temple Sol Invictus dedicated to sun worship could also be found there.

At this time, it also became home to many of Rome’s noble families, who built elegant houses decorated with magnificent pictorial decorations on walls and floors – such as Domitian’s Palace, which included rooms decorated with frescoes adorning both walls and floors – as well as elegant houses with impressive pictorial decoration on both surfaces such as walls or floors. An example is House of the Griffins built along this vein which contained rooms decorated with frescoes that decorated its rooms.

The Palatine Hill is included with your ticket price for both the Colosseum and Forum, so make sure not to miss it if visiting both. Its shade provided by pine trees creates an oasis that is both tranquil and offers stunning panoramic views of Rome – making it the ideal place for lunch or coffee in Rome during those hot summer days!

The Spanish Steps

When it comes to visiting Rome’s most iconic steps, the Spanish Steps should definitely be at the top of your itinerary. Not only are they an ideal spot for tourists and locals to take pictures, but they are also used as an informal meeting spot from morning till late night – you will see people descending or ascending them, resting on Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Square) or relaxing along Piazza di Spagna.

Near the Spanish Steps are many exciting activities to do, from visiting their namesake church (Trinita dei Monti) to checking out Fontana della Barcaccia with its shape of an inverted boat sinking below, and seeing some of Rome’s famous Romantics like Keats, Shelley, and Byron to visiting John Keats’ death place which now serves as a museum honoring this fantastic generation of writers.

The Spanish Steps offer an ideal location for shopping, with high-end boutiques and some of Rome’s renowned malls nearby. Additionally, public transit users will find bus and metro train stops nearby, making this site an excellent stop on many hop-on hop-off tours as well. Though beautiful at any time of day, experiencing Rome through these moments gives an altogether unique impression than what may be found during average daytime crowds.

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is an exquisite piece of Baroque art and one of the top tourist spots in Rome. Legend has it that those who throw coins into the water at this iconic fountain will return again, and many still continue this tradition today. Coins thrown into the fountain are collected regularly in order to prevent clogging up of its channels, and eventually donated for charity or good causes.

The fountain can be found tucked away among meandering alleys, making it hard to locate. Once found, however, its beauty will take your breath away and impress visitors of all ages. At peak times of day however, this spot can become packed with tourists so if possible try visiting either early morning or late evening to avoid crowds.

This fountain became famous through Anita Ekberg’s appearance wading into it during Fellini’s classic film, La Dolce Vita. Since then, its beautiful landscape has served as the backdrop to numerous movies and TV series.

Oceanus, the Roman god of the sea, rides in an ornate shell-shaped chariot pulled by two sea horses and two tritons (young sea gods). Filippo della Valle designed this statue; his work contains rich symbolism; his sea horses symbolize different moods of water while his tritons symbolize its ever-shifting tides.

The Basilica of Saint Peter

St Peter’s Basilica is one of the world’s most significant churches and home to numerous priceless art treasures. A spectacular architectural triumph, its designs include works by many notable Renaissance artists.

The Basilica of Saint Peter is famous for its large domed ceiling and as being the burial place of St Peter himself, an Apostle to Jesus Christ. Additionally, it serves as a venue for various papal audiences throughout the year and houses some of Rome’s finest artwork.

There are various entrances to the Basilica. One way is via Mussolini’s Castel Sant’Angelo path; alternatively, Via della Conciliazione was designed by Bernini to highlight and frame the Basilica well.

At the heart of Basilica stands the Papal Altar, used for Mass and other essential services. Bernini designed an incredible canopy over this altar titled Baldacchino; beneath this canopy lies Michelangelo’s Pieta depicting Jesus after His Crucifixion, which can be seen through a niche beneath this altar.

When visiting Rome, visiting the Basilica of Saint Peter should be on your list. Be sure to climb its dome for an incredible panoramic view of Rome!

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