Side Effects of Imovane


IMOVANE may cause daytime anxiety or restlessness, with this effect being particularly noticeable among elderly patients. Find out the best info about köpa imovane utan recept.

Reported side effects of taking Zopiclone include complicated sleep-related behavior such as “sleep-driving.” Unfortunately, these activities often are forgotten upon awakening, putting you and others at risk.


Zopiclone (Imovane) is a short-acting hypnotic medication prescribed to treat insomnia. It helps individuals fall asleep more quickly while decreasing the frequency of nighttime awakenings. Zopiclone should only be obtained with prior written approval from your physician and only for up to 4 weeks at a time.

Drowsiness is the primary side effect of this medication and could prove potentially hazardous if it interferes with your ability to drive or operate machinery safely. Alcohol or any other sedatives should be avoided while taking this medicine.

As your body adjusts to your medication, daytime drowsiness, dizziness, bitter taste, and dry mouth may initially occur. If these persist or become bothersome, consult with your healthcare provider immediately.


Dizziness or lightheadedness may occur upon taking this medication or altering its dose, although these symptoms should subside within several days. If they persist or are severe, however, contact your physician.

If Imovane is taken in conjunction with other substances that induce sleepiness (including opioid pain or cough medications, alcohol, other sleep medications, sedatives, and muscle relaxants), the risk of side effects increases significantly, including slow breathing and severe drowsiness – an especially critical consideration if elderly.

Zopiclone belongs to a class of medicines called cyclopyrrolones and works similarly to benzodiazepine drugs by increasing the standard transmission of GABA neurotransmitters in the central nervous system and decreasing anxiety while increasing sleepiness. Rarely have people used Zopiclone while asleep to drive vehicles while unknowingly awake (“sleep-driving”) or do other activities that could endanger themselves or others (like making phone calls or having sexual relations) while taking this medication.

Dry mouth

Many medications, including Zopiclone, can cause dry mouth. To combat it, drink plenty of water and use a moisturizing mouthwash prior to bedtime to rehydrate the mouth. If the condition persists, consult with your physician on ways to address it.

Drugs that inhibit parasympathetic (cholinergic) innervation of salivary secretory cells and antimuscarinic drugs like pilocarpine and cevimeline can produce dry mouth. Unfortunately, studies that directly address salivation and oral symptoms related to these medications are limited.

Notify your physician immediately if you experience sleepwalking or any unusual behaviors (e.g., driving, eating, making phone calls, or engaging in sexual activity while asleep) after taking Imovane; this information could assist them in prescribing the appropriate dose for you.


Alcohol may increase your chances of side effects when combined with Imovane, such as drowsiness and headache. For any questions or concerns, speak to your physician directly; be mindful that Imovane could make operating machinery or driving unsafe; seek medical advice immediately if any adverse reactions develop.

Before taking this medication, always read and follow any directions provided by your physician or pharmacist. While you can take this medicine with or without food, it should be taken on an empty stomach for optimal results.

Imovane may cause sleepwalking and other abnormal behavior while you’re unconscious, leading to severe injuries or death. This risk increases if combined with alcohol consumption or taking other medicines that make you sleepy – in such instances, it is essential to contact your physician or pharmacist immediately if this becomes an issue for you. If this becomes an issue for you, seek medical advice immediately from both parties involved – both should provide supportive solutions.


Bitter taste in the mouth and dry throat can also occur as side effects from taking this medicine, so it is important to notify both your physician and pharmacist of these symptoms if you experience them. Serious side effects, although rare, include swelling of lips or tongue that could impede swallowing or breathing difficulties or cause fainting; driving or operating machinery after taking this medication should also be avoided.

Your doctor will advise you when and how much Imovane you should take before bedtime. Generally speaking, one tablet should suffice, but your provider may have specific recommendations depending on your age and condition.

Each tablet of zopiclone contains 7.5 mg of the active ingredient, a cyclopyrrolone derivative used as a short-acting hypnotic. It works by binding to and stimulating GABA receptors, helping reduce neuronal inhibition while encouraging sleep.


Some sleep medicines have been linked with severe side effects, including vomiting. If this side effect occurs, it can make you very ill and even lead to loss of consciousness; if this happens to you, immediately contact your physician.

Before taking Imovane, you must inform your physician of any additional health conditions or allergies you may have. Furthermore, any other medicines taken, including vitamins or herbal supplements, without prior clearance from a healthcare professional must also be disclosed. It is vitally essential that alcohol or drugs that induce sleepiness do not coincide with taking this medication.

Some individuals on this medication have engaged in activities while not fully awake, such as sleep-driving, making and eating food, committing sexual acts, and engaging in other forms of activity without fully realizing they were doing it – leading to severe injuries and sometimes fatalities. Get medical assistance immediately if this happens to you or someone close to you while on this medicine.

Weight gain

Imovane should typically be taken at bedtime as directed by your healthcare provider; half a tablet should normally be sufficient. Be sure to abide by any specific dosage instructions from them.

Imovane contains the active ingredient zopiclone, which works by increasing the standard transmission of GABA neurotransmitters within the central nervous system and having a sedating effect that produces sleepiness.

Zopiclone can be taken orally and typically reaches peak plasma concentrations within 1-2 hours after ingestion; consuming a high-fat meal prior to taking zopiclone can speed up this process significantly.

Imovane should never be taken during pregnancy as it may harm an unborn baby, and its effects will pass into breast milk and cause harm to nursing babies. Therefore, it is crucial that if you plan to breastfeed, or are breastfeeding now or planning to breastfeed in the future, you inform your physician immediately and keep this medicine out of reach of children or anyone else who might take it without their knowledge and permission.


Lethargy, or extreme fatigue or lack of energy, can be caused by certain health conditions or lifestyle choices, including diet and lifestyle modifications. If you find yourself feeling exhausted for extended periods, seeking medical advice should be your top priority – particularly if symptoms such as chest pain, increased heart rate, change in vision, or rash develop.

Lethargy may occur with or without Imovane as a result of various conditions, most often disruptions to brain function. These conditions include diabetes (both low and high blood sugar levels), kidney disease, electrolyte imbalances (such as low sodium [hyponatremia] or high calcium concentration), head injuries, certain medications, including both over-the-counter and prescription drugs, and certain mental health conditions such as major depressive disorder.


Zopiclone (brand names Imovane and Zimovane) is an effective hypnotic that can help you fall asleep quickly. Additionally, it may help maintain sleep throughout the night and prevent early awakening in the morning. Zopiclone works by increasing GABA effects in your brain – this cyclopyrrolone belongs to the same class as benzodiazepines.

Zopiclone may cause side effects, including dizziness, headache, bitter taste in the mouth, and dry mouth. Additionally, this medication can make you very sleepy; thus, on its first day of usage, it should not be used while driving or operating machinery.

Long-term use of zopiclone can cause dependence. Furthermore, it may alter your mood or behavior, including suicidal thoughts; if this concerns you, contact your healthcare provider immediately.